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Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Resilience FUI

Participants : Nicolas Petton [Correspondant] , Stéphane Ducasse, Damien Cassou.

Contracting parties: Nexedi, Morphom Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Astrium Geo Information, Wallix, XWiki, Alixen, Alterway, Institut Télécom, Université Paris 13, CEA LIST.

Resilience's goal is to protect private data on the cloud, to reduce spying and data loss in case of natural problems. Resilience proposes to develop a decentralized cloud architecture: SafeOS. Safe OS is based on replication of servers. In addition a safe solution for documents should be developed. Sandboxing for Javascript applications should be explored.

There is a plethora of research articles describing the deep semantics of JavaScript. Nevertheless, such articles are often difficult to grasp for readers not familiar with formal semantics. In our first report, we propose a digest of the semantics of JavaScript centered around security concerns. This report proposes an overview of the JavaScript language and the misleading semantic points in its design.